With Trustworthy archive we no longer do the paperwork, but work effectively.
Via smartphone, tablet, or scanner
We lower the risk of losing the document
When in the field, we raise the speed of delivering the document to the office
When we do not want to fill in so called ‘metadata’ (e.g.date, VAT, texts etc.) by hand, we can use an amazing automatic data extraction function
We never lose track of our budgets’ statuses.
With real-time expenses billing we know exactly what we have already paid for.
Our orders are immediately re-calculable without any delays.
We choose the best way without delays and detours
Our accounting loves us; it does not have to double rewrite them because we work with only one document
All the documents in the Trustworthy archive are provable for all European institutions.
We have all the documents accessible online for 24 hours and 7 days a week.
We had the user interface of the Trustworthy archive tailored to our needs. For free!
We can search documents quickly, brand them, and filter them smartly
Comfortable work with documents
Advanced searching
Intelligent workflow and history of changes
Automatic data extraction function
….and many others!